Sydney Water Recycling Plant - Dredge & Dewater

November, 2015
Dredging Solutions were engaged to undertake a maintenance project on the oxidation pond at this Water Recycling Plant. The client requested all sludge sediment to be removed from the pond. During the project, the pond was required to remain in operation, with possible water level changes up to 1.1m.
Our Approach:
Dredging Solutions removed 53,000 m³ of material from the pond with Dredging Solutions' Rotomite 6000 auger suction dredge. The sludge was subsequently dewatered via CRS Envitube® geotextile containers and retained onsite for further consolidation.
The oxidation pond was completely desludged with no interruption to daily operations. The dewatered sludge cake was confirmed to have a solids content of greater than 20%, at which stage it was taken to a licensed facility organised by the client.