Central NSW - Dredging & Dewatering

April - July, 2019
The Problem:
The client was required to empty one of their blowdown ponds in order for them to be relined with a dual layer of HDPE. Dredging Solutions were engaged to remove 1,400 dry tonnes of sediment.
What We Did:
Dredging Solutions utilised the unmanned FLUMP auger suction dredge to pump material, via inline polymer dosing, to a tiered configuration of Envitube® dewatering containers. The close proximity of the dewatering areas to the pond meant that filtrate expelled from the Envitubes® was able to be captured and returned via a gravity drainage method.
The Results:
The initial proposed 1,400 dry tonnes of material was successfully removed within the required time frame and Dredging Solutions were quickly engaged to undertake a subsequent dredging campaign on a neighbouring blowdown pond.